Snake Warrior’s Island
Broward County, Florida
Contact: Mr. Dave Markward
Water Management Division
Broward County Office of Environmental Services
2255 West Copans Road
Pompano Beach, Florida 33069
Construction Cost: $1,100,000.00
The principal of The Chappell Group was the lead environmental consultant in partnership with Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc. for the design and construction observation of a wetlands restoration/preservation project on a 53-acre archeological preservation site known as Snake Warrior’s Island. This project includes eight separate wetland units with a diverse wetland/upland planting scheme and separate hydrologic controls. It also includes paths, parking lot, and water control structures. Construction of the facility was completed in 2003. The wetland monitoring is ongoing with survivorship of wetland areas is greater than 95%, and exotic encroachment is less than 2% with minimal maintenance required. The site was opened in 2004 as an award winning park for the City of Miramar.