Treasure Lakes
Deerfield Beach, Florida
Contact: Mr. Fidel Mendiguren
Ace Elevator Company
4869 NE 12th Avenue
Oakland Park, FL 33334
Construction Cost: $75,000.00
The Treasure Lakes project consists of a proposed mangrove planter and shoreline stabilization to be constructed as mitigation for unauthorized impacts to mangroves along the riparian shoreline. The project site is located along the Hillsboro River and SE 7th Court in the City of Deerfield Beach, Florida.
The Chappell Group, Inc. (TCG) was responsible for all environmental services related to the design and permitting of the proposed mitigation through the local, state and federal environmental regulatory agencies, as well as the processing of a Right of Way Occupancy Permit through the South Florida Water Management District. In addition to the design and permitting services, TCG assisted the client through the Notice of Violation (NOV) to obtain a Final Order and satisfy the corrective action requirements. TCG will also be responsible for the review and approval of as-built surveys and post-permit compliance conditions for the planting of mangroves and subsequent maintenance and monitoring of the mitigation area.