Ash Monofill-FPL Relocation

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Ash Monofill-FPL Relocation
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Client: Mr. James W. Willard
Solid Waste Operations Division
Waste and Recycling Services
1 North University Drive, Suite 400-B
Plantation, Florida 33324

Construction Cost: $50,000,000.00
The project is located adjacent to the Ash Monofill and Wheelabrator in Davie, Florida. The project was to relocate the existing Florida Power & Light (FPL) power poles and lines due to the expansion of the Broward County Ash Monofill facility.

The Chappell Group conducted weekly construction inspections of the FPL power pole and power line relocation construction and coordinate with the FPL contractors to ensure all construction was performed in compliance with the environmental regulatory permits. The project footprint included the wetland tracts located under the proposed power lines and power pads at the Broward County Ash Monofill. TCG also coordinated
with Broward County Solid Waste Operations Division and FPL to ensure no wetland impacts occurred outside the footprint of the permitted impacts necessary for construction. The Chappell Group, In

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