High School LLL

Posted by Tyler Chappell - in Uncategorized - No Comments

High School LLL

Southwest Ranches,
Broward County, Florida

Flynn Engineering Services, P.A.
1512 E. Broward Blvd. Suite 100-A
Fort Lauderdale, FL  33301
Office:  (954) 522-1004
Fax:  (954) 522-7630


  • Environmental Assessment
  • Wetland Assessment
  • Due Diligence

Construction Completion: 2006

The Chappell Group, Inc (TCG) was subcontracted by Flynn Engineering Services, P.A. to conduct an Environmental Assessment and Wetland Assessment of Tracts 45, 52, and 61 in the Town of Southwest Ranches for the School Board of Broward County.

TCG provided historical background of the site with the help of the Town of Southwest Ranches’ consultant Earth Advisors, Inc.  TCG was also responsible for researching and interviewing Broward County Environmental Protection & Growth Management (BCEPGMD) staff to assemble the information that led to the issuance of the BCEPGMD Environmental Resource License to clear the site, and to better understand how the quality of the existing wetlands was quantified.

TCG was also responsible for conducting additional due diligence to determine the vegetation, soil and hydrological makeup of the site to confirm the findings of others.

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