Dania Beachport Casino
Dania Beach,
Broward County, Florida
Mr. Louis Birdman
Dania Entertainment Center, LLC
425 North Federal Highway
Hallandale Beach, Florida 33009
- Mitigation Permitting
- Mitigation Design
- Construction Observation
- Mitigation Monitoring
Construction Cost: $200,000,000.00
The proposed Dania Beachport Casino Project consists of the proposed construction of a marina facility, mixed-use commercial center, parking and surface water management system as an accessory to the existing Dania Jai Alai. The proposed project includes the excavation of a marina basin from existing uplands, dredging within the adjacent Dania Cutoff Canal (DCC) and the partial filling of existing jurisdictional wetlands and surface waters onsite to accommodate the proposed development and onsite mitigation component.
Due to the presence of mangroves and tidally influenced salt marsh wetlands onsite, onsite mitigation is proposed in the form of restoration and creation to match the unique wetland communities found onsite. A total of 3.13 acres of mangrove mitigation is proposed, consisting of 2.21 acres of restoration and 0.93 acres of creation. The mitigation will consist of a mixed coastal system including mangroves, salt marsh, coastal wet prairie and hammock buffer designed through the restoration of disturbed wetlands and additional creation to result in a habitat that is unique in Broward County.
The Chappell Group, Inc. serves as the environmental consultant for the proposed project and is responsible for all aspects related to the environmental permitting, design, and construction observation of the proposed project. Additional services provided for the project include jurisdictional wetland boundary verification with regulatory agency staff, marina design and full design services for the proposed onsite mangrove and salt marsh mitigation area.