Flotilla Club

Posted by Tyler Chappell - in Uncategorized - No Comments

Flotilla Club

West Palm Beach,
Palm Beach County, Florida

Mr. James Barton
Chen Moore and Associates, Inc.
500 Australian Avenue South, Suite 615
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone:  (561) 746-6900


  • Benthic Survey

Project Completion:
September 2011

The Chappell Group, Inc. was subcontracted by Chen Moore and Associates, Inc. for the City of West Palm Beach to conduct a benthic survey of the Flotilla Club.

The purpose of the benthic survey is to identify and locate any seagrass species (Halophilia decipiens, Halophilia johnsonii, Thalassia testudinum, Halodule wrightii, Ruppia maritima, etc.) or other benthic resources that may be present within the property boundaries of the subject site. Environmental regulatory agencies require representative data to be acquired from any site that has potential seagrass habitat. The proposed project was the dredging of a specific area of the marina as indicated in existing permits.

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