SBBC Biological Assets

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School Board of Broward County Biological Assets

Broward County, Florida

Mr. Richard D. Pryce
Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc.
3563 NW 53rd Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL  33309
Phone:  (954) 739-6400


  • Tree Evaluation
  • Environmental Assessments

 Project Completion Date: 2009

The Chappell Group, Inc. (TCG) was the lead environmental consulting firm conducting the review of biological assets in forty-eight (48) School Board of Broward County (SBBC) schools.  The purpose of the review was to develop a monetary and ecological value associated with existing biological assets for the forty-eight (48) schools.

TCG was responsible for the review of twenty-four (24) schools in the SBBC’s North and North Central Areas.  Specifically, TCG conducted an inventory, utilizing I-TREE and UFORE software, of the existing canopy/trees, confirmed the sodded areas, and constructed wetlands.

TCG performed these tasks for Craven Thompson & Associates, Inc. and the School Board of Broward County from 2008 to 2009.

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